
That is what alcohol has taken from me.


Not days or hours or seconds.


And you can chop that up any way you want.

YEARS of my life.

YEARS of time wasted.

YEARS off retirement because I have to spend too much.

YEARS shorter of a great career.

YEARS behind the dad I want to be.

YEARS behind the body I want to have.

YEARS behind the relationship I want.

Alcohol has literally taken years from me. How many years I have really never been able to quantify. It’s too many. 

And it has only taken from me. It has never gave me anything in return – at least anything positive. 

But no more. I finally said F*CK IT. NO MORE. You’re done having a hold on my. F*CK YOU ALCOHOL and everything you have done to me. 

Saying that is one thing. DOING that is a whole other ballgame. But that started my journey. And what a journey it has been. 

Coming to grips that the bottle was doing more harm than good – well actually, realizing it does all harm and no good was just the first step. Releasing the clutch it had on me was one of the hardest thing I have ever done. And I have been through some sh*t. But out of that journey – F*ck you alcohol was born. 

I created F*ck You Alcohol to help as many people as I can get released from the grips of alcohol. After going through my journey (and still going through it for that matter), I have come across a ton of resources, self-help books, Instagram accounts, and other topics of interest that have helped me to come up on the other side of my journey to quit drinking.

I am not going to make you quit. No one is for that matter. It has to be a decision for you. I am not a addiction couceler either, so my goal here isn’t to help you quit. I am just not equiped to do that. 

What I am here to do is bring into your awareness what alchol really is. Give you the facts that it is a poison that is slowly killing you. Whether you have one a night or 25 a night it has you. That it takes everything from you and gives you nothing. I believe that once you have the true awareness of what this drug – and I do believe it is a drug – does to you – YOU and only YOU have the power to look at that bottle and say ‘F*CK YOU ALCOHOL’ and cut ties from it completely. 

The first step in the process for me was taking a step back, and seeing what alcohol truly is, and what it was truly doing (taking YEARS from me), and for me to stand up and say once and for all: FUCK YOU ALCOHOL. And I want to help you do the same. 

That moment where I was able to say fuck you alcohol started the ever-so-hard journey of quitting drinking. Quitting is so hard – but you cannot quit unless you are aware of the danger. Once you know that – you can build up enough of a reason why (LIVING) to quit. But the awareness you will find on this site is step 1. 

It is a journey. I believe more people need to go on to truly see what the drug of their choice is doing to them. And I hope to help with that.

I don’t like to use the word the alcoholic. I even don’t like the word sober or sobriety. I think these are labeling people. What we need to focus on is to be free. FREE from the things that hold us back, and hold us down. FREE to make the choice to stand up, be proud of the life we have, and solidly say – no – I don’t drink because of FUCK YOU ALCOHOL.

That is the goal. I look forward to hearing about your journey.